Food Shelf
Thursdays 6-8pm
{Except Holidays}
The Racine United Methodist Church Food Shelf, connected with Channel One, is assisting families every week.
Anyone is able get food from our food shelf if they are in need.
Along with the Food Shelf here in the Church we have started up a backpack program, the backpack program sends students from Stewartville Public Schools home with meals to eat over the weekend in a backpack. The Racine Backpack program has assisted the families attending Stewartville Public Schools since we started this program in April 2013.
Channel One food bank has a station in Rochester and helps whoever in Olmsted County is in need of food.
Channel One food bank in Rochester also helps shuttle food to Southeast Minnesota area food shelves.
The food they sell to the food shelves come from Rochester Businesses who are selling
products at what it costs them or donating them.
Hunger Statistics
Thursdays 6-8pm
{Except Holidays}
The Racine United Methodist Church Food Shelf, connected with Channel One, is assisting families every week.
Anyone is able get food from our food shelf if they are in need.
Along with the Food Shelf here in the Church we have started up a backpack program, the backpack program sends students from Stewartville Public Schools home with meals to eat over the weekend in a backpack. The Racine Backpack program has assisted the families attending Stewartville Public Schools since we started this program in April 2013.
Channel One food bank has a station in Rochester and helps whoever in Olmsted County is in need of food.
Channel One food bank in Rochester also helps shuttle food to Southeast Minnesota area food shelves.
The food they sell to the food shelves come from Rochester Businesses who are selling
products at what it costs them or donating them.
Hunger Statistics
- More than 16 million kids in America live in households that struggle to put food on the table.
- This averages out to one in five kids.
- 10.6 million Eligible kids go without free or reduced breakfast in school.
- Only 1 in 7 kids who get free or reduced priced school lunches receive summer meals.
- Nearly half of all people who use SNAP (food stamps) are kids.
- A child who isn’t receiving enough food to eat will not do as well in school,
- studies have shown hunger to make paying attention in school nearly impossible.
- A child who doesn’t get enough to eat will be unable to fight illnesses as insignificant
- as the common cold, much less a more serious illness.
- A child who is unable to get enough nutrition will be less likely to graduate high school and even
- less likely to go on to college which will then affect the child’s economic future and the child’s future
- children’s economic future and the spiral will continue.
- 62% of America’s teachers see children come to school hungry because they aren’t getting enough food at home.
- Childhood hunger is Solvable.
- There is a house bill currently seeking to cut SNAP (food stamps) benefits, if this were to pass 2 million individuals
- in Minnesota alone will lose their food stamps – which for some is their only supply of food.
- 210,000 children will lose their free meal at school. I have the number for
- Congress if you would like to make a call to help stop this! (866-527-1087 and tell Congress not to cut SNAP).
- The House of Representatives recently passed the Farm Bill without funding for SNAP
- Approximately 30% of Channel One Food Bank client households are seniors
- having to choose between food and medical care.
- Approximately 50% of older adults in the U.S. will experience 1 year of poverty or near poverty between ages 60 to 90.
- Poor or near poor seniors will spend 22% of their income on medical expenses,
- and nearly a third of their income on housing leaving almost nothing for food expenses.
- The average SNAP benefit a senior receives on food stamps is $1.23 – this can’t even buy a cup of coffee anymore.
- For more statistics and ways you can help feed America visit or
- donate to the Racine United Methodist Church Food Shelf!