Groundbreaking set for Sunday on community wood fire oven at Racine United Methodist Church
Tuesday, June 23, 2015 8:30 AM
This is a representation of the wood fire oven planned for Racine United Methodist Church.Inspired by brick ovens being the centerpiece of European village life from the 14th through the 19th centuries, Racine United Methodist Church members are committed to creating a similar community space by building a wood-fired brick oven in Racine.
A ground breaking ceremony for this community project is set for Sunday, June 28, at 10 a.m. immediately following morning worship.
Once built, the oven will be fired once or twice a month where all are invited to come and enjoy artisan breads, creative pizzas and live music. Church members are excited to explore how bread making and baking in a wood-fired oven would give people the opportunity to slow down, discover the sacred in the ordinary, and connect with people in the community.
The church also plans to offer a variety of baking classes. Any future proceeds that come from this oven would go back into the community where there is need, such as a family with medical expenses, park restoration or the food shelf.
Fundraising has already begun on the $5,000 project as one church member donated $1,000. Construction is expected to be completed by the fall with the first baking event in September or October.
The oven will enhance the out-reach programs of the church, which has a mission to strengthen its relationships with one another and the larger community. The community oven will be used to supply bread to people who are using the food shelf and to the community at large by offering monthly bread baking activities. Other ideas are to: Hold a pizza night with a bonfire or games to bring the community together; partner with local community events such as the Root River Antique Historical Power Association show, Racine Lions chicken feed and dance, city-wide garage sales or the church’s own chicken pie meal; supply fresh bread to the food shelf; supply mini loaves of bread to all members of the community as an outreach; host a community Thanksgiving dinner with the church supplying turkeys made in the oven and others bringing a dish to pass; hold a community baking or stone soup event; host a National Night Out event in Racine; move the church community movies out of doors to have a pizza and movie night; and organize other activities involving the oven.
The church will use surveys and other methods to track participation and assess progress.
The project has the support of the Racine City Council, which said the church could use the park and shelter, along with restrooms, located across the street from the church for events.
The church is already very active in the community, running the local food shelf for the city and surrounding area, opening a community library two Saturdays a month since the bookmobile stopped serving the community, showing a free community movie at least one Saturday a month, providing handyman work for community members and doing various mission work.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015 8:30 AM
This is a representation of the wood fire oven planned for Racine United Methodist Church.Inspired by brick ovens being the centerpiece of European village life from the 14th through the 19th centuries, Racine United Methodist Church members are committed to creating a similar community space by building a wood-fired brick oven in Racine.
A ground breaking ceremony for this community project is set for Sunday, June 28, at 10 a.m. immediately following morning worship.
Once built, the oven will be fired once or twice a month where all are invited to come and enjoy artisan breads, creative pizzas and live music. Church members are excited to explore how bread making and baking in a wood-fired oven would give people the opportunity to slow down, discover the sacred in the ordinary, and connect with people in the community.
The church also plans to offer a variety of baking classes. Any future proceeds that come from this oven would go back into the community where there is need, such as a family with medical expenses, park restoration or the food shelf.
Fundraising has already begun on the $5,000 project as one church member donated $1,000. Construction is expected to be completed by the fall with the first baking event in September or October.
The oven will enhance the out-reach programs of the church, which has a mission to strengthen its relationships with one another and the larger community. The community oven will be used to supply bread to people who are using the food shelf and to the community at large by offering monthly bread baking activities. Other ideas are to: Hold a pizza night with a bonfire or games to bring the community together; partner with local community events such as the Root River Antique Historical Power Association show, Racine Lions chicken feed and dance, city-wide garage sales or the church’s own chicken pie meal; supply fresh bread to the food shelf; supply mini loaves of bread to all members of the community as an outreach; host a community Thanksgiving dinner with the church supplying turkeys made in the oven and others bringing a dish to pass; hold a community baking or stone soup event; host a National Night Out event in Racine; move the church community movies out of doors to have a pizza and movie night; and organize other activities involving the oven.
The church will use surveys and other methods to track participation and assess progress.
The project has the support of the Racine City Council, which said the church could use the park and shelter, along with restrooms, located across the street from the church for events.
The church is already very active in the community, running the local food shelf for the city and surrounding area, opening a community library two Saturdays a month since the bookmobile stopped serving the community, showing a free community movie at least one Saturday a month, providing handyman work for community members and doing various mission work.